Covered and Open Moorage at Stones Marina

What’s a “Single Loaded Slip”?

Question: What have powerboaters enjoyed but not sailboaters?

Answer: Their own private walk-around berth.

Powerboaters often enjoy the benefit of undercover moorage, sheltering their investment from sun and inclement weather. In those slips, the shelters are constructed to permit for a walk-around experience, where the vessel is accessible by a 270 degree surround walkway. 

Traditional marinas do not provide the same for “open” moorage, where the docks for powerboats or sailboats are not covered. And since sailboats are “too tall” for undercover moorage, and since traditional marinas do not provide single-loaded open berths, sailboaters have not ever been able, traditionally, to enjoy the experience of a walk-around slip.

At Stones Marina, the majority of our berths are single-loaded. You’re renting a waterlot, not just the length of a dock. And in this waterlot, if you have the room, you have freedom to park another small boat, like a dinghy or kayak, without worrying about the marina police or your next door neighbour. You can navigate to which of the two sides to come up against based on prevailing winds and, after you’ve eased your boat into its berth, you can access it from three sides to wash her down. Watch our feature video for some great shots of our single-loaded berths!

Main Features

  • Commercial grade, locally built, heavy timber constructed docks
  • Commercial grade, locally built, concrete constructed docks
  • Undercover moorage for vessels 20’ to 46’
  • Open moorage for boats ranging 26’ to 55’
  • In-line moorage available for vessels to 70 feet
  • Open and undercover slips up to 55’ are single loaded
  • Private slips providing docks on both sides of each vessel
  • 11 foot wide main docks and five foot wide finger docks
  • Metered 110V/30A or 220V/50A power, water, cable television and telephone

Integrated RV Park and Storage Facility

  • Fully fenced three acre 24 pad R.V. Park, all full hook-up sites, for R.V.’s up to forty feet.
  • Boat, trailer and RV storage
  • Private heated storage lockers ranging from 25 to 160 square feet
  • The RV Park shares the washroom, shower and laundry buildings with the marina. 110V/30A power, cable TV and telephone is available.

Top Notch Security and Safety!

  • 10 locked security gates
  • High definition and infra-red security cameras
  • All docks and main ramp are illuminated
  • Wide maneuvering channels allow for 1 1/2 boat lengths of room
  • Large dock boxes for each slip

Convenient On-land Facilities

  • Carlos O'Bryans Pub & Restaurant
  • Gas & Go fuel dock
  • Hand carts and loading zones
  • Prioritized private parking
  • Full service laundry facility with 5 washing machines and 4 dryers, vending machines, and seating area
  • Washrooms and shower facility. Facility is cleaned and refreshed daily
  • Ample permit controlled paved parking

Rates & Fees
(all rates and fees are subject to GST) (all moorage rates are calculated based on the greater of the slip length or length overall of the vessel)


  Prepayment - per foot per month
  12 month 6 months 3 months Monthly
Open Slip (26' and under) $13.70 $13.70 $15.00 $16.20
Open Slip (over 26')  $14.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.20
Covered Slip (23' & under) $14.45 $18.56 $20.75 $23.30
Covered Slip (30' - 46') $18.56 $18.56 $20.75 $23.30

Free permit controlled general parking
Optional private parking stall rental: $756.00 per year
Parking permit: $5.00 each
Meter rental: $9.40 per month
Dock box rental: $5.00 per month
Electricity: metered and billed pursuant to B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Electric Tariff schedule 1300

RV Park

  Daily Weekly Monthly
Full Hookup (up to 2 persons) $35.00 $210.00 $730.00

  Includes: Showers, Power, Water, Cable TV & Sewer

Mini Storage

Heated mini storage lockers:  $1.50 per square foot/mth

Prepayment required, six months in advance